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Spot Prices
Strateco, Uranium and Everything In Between (RSC-TSXv) $2.92 (PTU-TSXv) $1.07
Monday, December 18, 2006
Well, I'm going to keep this short and sweet - uranium is hot!

Uranium juniors these days are a dime a dozen and like many other juniors in other sectors, some make it and some don’t.

We are not interested in sticking around to see if ABC Uranium Corp. builds a profitable mine in 2009, we want to take advantage of the white hot money pouring into the junior uranium market - today.

Previously on MCM, I recommended 2 uranium juniors, Strateco Resources (RSC-TSXv) and Purepoint Uranium (PTU-TSXv) and both have gone on to see very nice gains.

With the sudden recent spike in the uranium spot price (which can be found at the top-left of the MCM site) and the way junior uranium stocks were trading today, I am reiterating my buy on Strateco Resources (RSC-TSXv). After massive gains this year, Strateco hit new all time highs today and closed at its high of the day. RSC is inching its way towards the psychological $3.00 mark and with MACD on the cusp of a bullish cross-over, it should make new all time highs within the next few trading days.

In my opinion, it’s a good risk/reward scenario and bodes well for a swing trade. Sometimes these stocks trade down in the morning, which can be the best time to buy them, as they tend to pick up steam right after lunch and close green.

For me, picking entry points is not on the top of my priority list. Instead, I choose stocks which have a lot of up-side potential and just buy at the ask. It makes things a lot easier and eliminates a lot of the guess work.

PTU, which was featured in a recent MCM article, is also starting to move again. When we last looked at Purepoint, we were waiting upon drill results, which still have not been released. With the way PTU trades with no news, I salivate at the idea of juicy drill results – this could be huge.

I will keep MCM readers updated and try to release trading alerts if news is released on either company, or other share price drivers occur.

Good luck and Happy Holidays.
posted by MicroCapMayhem @ 10:55 PM  
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